GFPS Best Paper Award at SICFP'21

We are pleased to announce that the fifteenth GFPS best paper award was awarded during the 17th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power.  

The recipients of the GFPS best paper award are L. Viktor Larsson , Robert Lejonberg, and Liselott Ericson from  the Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems (Flumes) at Linköping University in Sweden with the paper "Control Optimisation of a Pump-Controlled Hydraulic System using Digital Displacement Pumps". Congratulations! 


Best Paper Award Recipients at SCIFP 21. From left to right: Liselott Ericson (Flumes, LiU), L. Viktor Larsson (Flumes, LiU) and Robert Lejonberg (Epiroc)

Best Paper Award Recipients at SCIFP 21. From left to right: Liselott Ericson (Flumes, LiU), L. Viktor Larsson (Flumes, LiU) and Robert Lejonberg (Epiroc)